
每年申请参与该活动的全球知名商学院不少于200所。光华管理学院依托北京大学深厚的历史底蕴和文化积淀,是亚太地区最优秀的商学院之一,也是这次中国唯一一家受邀全程参与2017年 “巴菲特午餐”访问活动的商学院。本次共计8所大学受邀,包括加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、威斯康星大学等。

另外,此次活动中大家还参观了Berkshire Hathaway 旗下的三所子公司:Nebraska Furniture Mart, Borsheims, 和Oriental Trading Company。其中有些公司曾面临破产重组,有些公司业绩一直十分稳健。参观的时候,学生代表们将与这三家公司的高管进行充分交流和互动,从他们那里了解巴菲特的投资和管理风格。

每年三月,在巴菲特股东大会召开之前,他都会在奥马哈为部分商学院“幸运的”学生提供一次见面交流的机会。在股神沃伦•巴菲特的时间表上,每年都会安排五次和来自全球的商科学生在Berkshire Hathaway的总部奥马哈市共度。行程包括参观Nebraska Furniture Mart, Borsheims等巴菲特在该市的一些产业,与学子问答交流,以及纯公益“巴菲特午餐”。

Q: What is your latest idea of investing in China? And if you are going to do some investments in China, which industries will be your priorities and why?
巴菲特: China is a huge market and there are more possibilities because of its size. My partner Charles Thomas Munge looks at China a lot. We focus on not price but valuation of companies. We do close research on the companies and try to buy the whole business when we invest. During the last 50 years, the population grew rapidly in China and it was full of talent and people resources. Some interruptions will not disturb its development. China and the US will become two superpower economies in the future. We do appreciate big investment opportunities in China as this country has more chances.
中国是一个很大的市场,具有非常多的可能性。我和我的合作伙伴Charles Thomas Munge有很多关于中国的讨论和研究,我们注重公司的价值而非股票价格,希望购买下整个企业以进行运营。在过去的50年,中国人口飞速发展,人口红利巨大。一些波折并不会影响中国发展的脚步。中、美将来会是两大经济强国。如果在中国能找到合适的行业、合适的时间、合适的管理团队,我们会毫不犹豫的投资。
Q:You are one of the richest men in the world, as well as one of the most generous. What is your view of wealth? Is it established at the very beginning at a young age, or is it developed through different phases of your life?
A:This is a good question, about money. Money can buy most things, but it cannot buy time and love. I have only one thing that can count as luxury—a private jet. Other things are the same as yours. Money has no utility beyond certain point and the usage is the same to everyone. Charity can change life of many people. My wife and I both agree that we should spend money to solve the important societal problems. For example, universities in the US have external funding, but the diseases curing in Africa may not have funding.
Money can bring many interesting experiences. I enjoy this game of investing. However, more stuff does not mean happier. Money cannot buy love. When people try to control their kids through money, it may bring disasters. I believe taking care of family is very important.